A Thrice-Told Tale: A Collaboration Between The Swedish Tax Agency And Academia


  • Lotta Björklund Larsen Research Fellow, Department for Thematic Studies: Technology and Social Change, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden
  • Karin Thoresson Researcher, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute, Sweden
  • Ulf Johannesson Analyst, Swedish Tax Agency, Sweden


This is the story of a collaborative project involving the creation, development and teaching of a course on qualitative research, which was designed for all Swedish Tax Agency analysts. The collaboration took place between the Swedish Tax Agency and Linköping University, and this story is told from the perspective of three researchers: Lotta, Karin and Ulf. It was a successful course. However, this is not just a story about collaboration between academia and tax authority, but also one about how interdisciplinary approaches can create new knowledge. We argue that, due to our different backgrounds, and diverse interests and resources, the collaboration also gave us new insights into our daily research and analytic work. Our experience can perhaps inspire other collaborations between academia and tax administration.


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Volume 3.1 of JOTA - Björklund Larsen et al.




How to Cite

Björklund Larsen, L., Thoresson, K., & Johannesson, U. (2017). A Thrice-Told Tale: A Collaboration Between The Swedish Tax Agency And Academia. Journal of Tax Administration, 3(1), 6–21. Retrieved from https://journals.docuracy.co.uk/jota/article/view/115